QUBO - Quantum for Everybody

  • Founded in 2023
  • Founders: Prof. Philip Walther, Assoz.-Prof. Borivoje Dakic, Dr. Stefan Fürnsinn


What is QUBO?

Thanks to a series of scientific break-throughs in the field of quantum science, QUBO is ale to apply quantum cryptography to making payments perferctly secure by the laws of nature, so as to withstand even attacks of computers with infinite power.


Applications currently developed by QUBO

QUBO PayTech

Qubo PayTech brings absolute security to the infrastructure of the financial system will protect and make future proof whatever we do with our money.

QUBO’s technology makes payments perfectly secured by the laws of nature and cannot even be compromised by computers of infinite power. This comprises securing the payment infrastructure layer by designing and developing quantum tokens tailored specifically to digital payments.

Worldwide, governments such as the EU, USA, and China, as well as financial service providers, are seeking technological solutions to ensure the security of their payment infrastructure also in the future.

QUBO BrainTech

QUBO BrainTech enables computers to work like the human brain. With quantum boost for unmatched speed and resource efficiency.

Our photonic quantum memristors (memristor is the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, along with a resistor, capacitor, and inductor) allow computers to think like the human brain – ideally suited as building blocks of neuromorphic architectures and applications in classical and quantum learning tasks and reservoir computing. Thanks to measurement-induced non-linearities, a memristor can retain a memory of past states, mirroring the human brain's functionality. Combined with quantum effects and the propagation of single photons in an optical chip, it enables a powerful demonstration of pattern and shape recognition, offering a speed advantage of up to 100 times compared to even super-computers using existing classical algorithms.