
Our research combines the development of scalable photonic quantum technology for quantum computing and other quantum information applications with the investigation of fundamental quantum science questions. The main activities reach from quantum control of single photons using solid-state photon sources, integrated waveguide technology, tailored nonlinear media and detectors based on superconductor technology to interferometric precision measurements of weak gravitational forces.


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Philip Walther und Časlav Brukner veröffentlichten im aktuellen Spektrum der Wissenschaft einen Artikel zur Kausalität in der Quantenwelt!


BeyondC research project with partners from Austria and Germany starts in March! The recently granted collaboration project “Quantum Information...


FWF SFB Project BeyondC Speaker Philip Walther (UNIVIE) and Vice-Speaker Barbara Kraus (UIBK) were passed the baton by their predecessors Rainer Blatt...