
Valeria Saggio was awarded the Poster Special Mention at The annual summer school on Quantum Information, Computing and Control (QuICC Summer School...

07.08.2017 11:00

Maxime Jacquet from University of St. Andrews gives a talk on Negative frequency at the horizon: scattering of light at a refractive index front.


Our paper on "A novel single-crystal & single-pass source for polarisation- and colour-entangled photon pairs" appeared in Scientific Reports.

19.07.2017 11:00

Alexander Szameit from University of Rostock will give a talk on Optics in laser-written waveguide structures.

17.07.2017 11:00

Stefanie Barz from University of Stuttgart gives a talk on Distinguishability and many-particle interference.

05.07.2017 11:00

Martin Ringbauer from the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK, will give a talk on Generating Mechanical Interference Fringes by Counting Photons.