Talk by Prof. Roberta Zambrini, University of the Balearic Islands


Prof. Zambrini will give a talk on Monday, 13.1.2025 at 11.00, titled "Quantum Reservoir Computing with complex systems".


13.01.2025 @ 11.00


Seminar Room 1, (3158, in the addition)
Boltzmanngasse 5, 1st floor


Prof. Roberta Zambrini



Non-conventional neuromorphic computing is a successful approach in a broad spectrum of applications and in the last few years proposals of Quantum Reservoir Computing (QRC) have been explored. Quantum physical reservoirs have the potential to boost the processing performance in temporal tasks by exploiting quantum coherence, not requiring error correction nor heavy training. In this talk I will briefly review the state of the art on QRC and present some recent proposals in different  settings, showcasing the potential to harness complex quantum systems for machine learning